//Personality & Character:
Jacob is a quiet individual who likes to keep to himself, and is initially shy around people until he gets to know them. He considers loyalty and patience to be very important traits in himself and in others, but is slow to trust people.
Jacob has spent most of his young life learning various sciences, holding a part time job in a book shop, and training with a bow. When he turned 16 he decided that he wanted to join Balamb Garden, as the money earned as a SeeD would be a great help to his dad, once he graduated. His prior training plus his excellent hand-to-eye coordination resulted in him continuing to use a bow as his weapon of choice.
As an avid reader of history and chemistry, he has a skill for the latter which often results in him making numerous chemical concoctions for his arrows, which can have a multitude of side effects.
- Analytical Mind
- Fast Learner
- Shy among new people
- Crowds
- Anxiety among anticipation
- Warm Weather
- Mystery Novels
- Chemistry Books
- Swimming
- Cold Weather, especially ice & snow
- Rodents
- Arrogant People
//Combat Data & Limit Break
Due to using a bow as his weapon, Jacob often attacks from a distance, and aim for the weak points on an opponent. He will, where possible, Scan an opponent before making any attacks.
Jacob originally used a basic bow that had been a gift from his dad. However, once he enrolled at Balamb Garden, he realized that it wouldn’t survive the frequent and harsh use that regular battle enforced on it, so he bought himself a new one. This model is known as “Miasma”, and has a weak Water element junctioned to it. It also has the ability of being able to compact into a portable form, making it easier to carry and (where necessary) conceal.
Level 1: Dark Strike [Learned]
Jacob shoots a pair of arrows – as single shots – into the eyes of his opponent, blinding them. Targets a single opponent.
Level 2: Deluge [Not Learned]
Jacob shoots a pair of arrows –as single shots – into the feet of his opponent, trapping them in place, before closing the distance and striking with the tanto at a vulnerable point. Targets a single opponent, and the vulnerable point changes depending on the shape of the opponent.
Level 3: Arrow Hail [Not Learned]
Jacob rapidly fires several cluster arrows into the air, which split into between 6-10 separate arrows as they reach the apex of their arc, and ignite during their descent as the warm air can flash heat the arrow shafts, igniting them. When they hit the ground around the opponent, they do massive fire damage. Targets multiple opponents.
Level 4: ??? [Not Learned]
Jacob had had a decent life up until he decided to enroll at Balamb Garden. The worst thing he had experienced was when his mum and little sister had died. He had been 8 when he had learned that the ferry she was sailing on to return from a business trip to Deling City had been heavily damaged in a storm and sank before it could reach the Balamb Port, and there were apparently no survivors. This hardened him to the world a lot more than a child his age should be, but he was determined to help his dad in any way possible to keep what remained of the family together after such a tragic loss.
This lead to him working part-time in the local bookshop from age 12 to help his dad with the family finances, as he alone wasn’t able to earn enough to keep the two of them financially stable. This is probably where his near obsession with reading originated, which requires him to wear reading glasses as he can’t tolerate contact lenses.
- Trivia