//Personality & Character:
The first thing most people notice about Alexi is how short she is compared to most other women her age. She stands at a mere 5 feet tall, with green eyes, chocolate brown hair, and light skin. Her hair is actually curly and is long enough to land just past her shoulders, but it gets worn in a ponytail most of the time. Under her uniform is a strong athletic figure, having practiced acrobatics since she was a child.
When not in her uniform, Alexi likes to wear bright colors and flowers in her hair. Having grown up by the beach, her favorite thing to wear is a calf-length floral sundress when the weather is warm. If going on a trip where she thinks she might need to be active, she will wear a brightly colored tunic and leggings instead. As much as she loves bright colors, practicality has to come first.
Alexi’s personality is frequently described as “warm”. She has a lot of compassion and empathy for other people. She always tries to assume the best of people and is quick to make friends if they give her a chance. She’s always willing to help. She isn’t necessarily super outgoing, but she’s very open to those who take the time to speak with her.
People tend to immediately wonder why such a bright, cheerful person would end up joining a mercenary organization like Garden and SeeD. Some also wonder if it might be some sort of act, but Alexi always tries to assure them that this is just her nature, to varying success.
Alexi wouldn’t consider herself very gifted academically. She struggles with classes and book learning, and even the things she is accomplished at now were done by rote repetition until she didn’t have to think about it anymore. She did pick up baking from her childhood and knows how to make a damn fine cup of coffee.
//Combat Data & Limit Break
Alexi specializes in one-handed swords and has two main styles associated with them: a slashing style and a thrusting style. Her weapon is designed to handle both. She prefers one-handed swords to keep her left hand free for acrobatic maneuvers. In general, she prefers to dodge rather than block incoming attacks.
Both styles make use of the range of her weapon. The slashing style uses powerful cross-body slashes from above and below. The thrusting style likes to find weak points, frequently at the hand or wrist. If the opponent has a weapon, she loves to bind their weapon and disarm them. It is not the flashiest of styles, but efficient and effective.
Limit Break: Jinx
Jinx is a mirrored duplicate form of Alexi, wielding her weapon in the left hand instead of the right. Previously Jinx was silent and stoic, but after Alexi visited her mother’s grave, Jinx spoke to her and indicated that she seems to be some sort of being separate from Alexi.
Alexi grew up in Dollet and is mostly quiet about her past there. The truth is she doesn’t like to talk about it too much. She was adopted as a baby by a kind middle-aged woman, Zuza Kiman, who owned a café on the Dollet harbor. Her childhood was quiet and idyllic, full of many days spent at the beach and exploring near the huge Communications Tower.
When she was ten, Alexi’s life got turned upside down. She wouldn’t be able to tell you now exactly when her mother got sick. Alexi remembers visiting Zuza in the hospital frequently. Alexi was too young to work the café on her own so a neighbor was looking after her. The medical bills mounted quickly. In the end, Zuza didn’t survive. The café was sold to pay the bills and Alexi was told that she would be put in an orphanage (perhaps for the second time) unless she had another relative to take her in. But of course, she didn’t have any because she had been adopted as a baby!
So she begged her neighbor to take her in until she could apply to Balamb Garden and get out of Dollet. Being a warrior in charge of her own destiny seemed much more preferable to waiting for someone else to adopt her again or waiting to age out of the orphanage. Her neighbor, for whatever reason, agreed. The day her acceptance letter came in, Alexi packed her things right away and got on the next vessel for Balamb Garden, leaving Dollet completely behind.
In the years since, Alexi has realized how naïve she was at that age. A mercenary is not necessarily the same thing as a hero, and she isn’t sure now if this was the path she would have chosen if she had understood back then. But she’s already committed seven years to training and doesn’t consider herself much good for anything else. It took 7 years at Garden for Alexi to finally make a friend in Jacob Palmer and shortly after several others. She still can’t believe that Ark is her boyfriend. Things have been up and down since then, but she’s trying her best to fade back into the background.
- Alexi is bad at anything luck related and games of any kind. Coin tosses, rock-paper-scissors, etc.
- Alexi’s middle name is Soleil.