Alexi Kiman (c. December 16AW)
//Personality & Character:
A severe looking, impeccably disciplined swordsman with a stiff upper lip. Ark leaps to an answer he feels is right, usually prematurely, and can be very stubborn. He cannot be appealed to by emotion except by a select few, and must be convinced with logic or honor by others. Ark is fiercely loyal to Garden and the chain of command. He is usually quiet, and when he does speak he does so distractedly. He trusts very, very few people, keeps few true friends and doesn’t want any more. He lets his guard down with Alexi, but can’t help his business-like attitude towards most others.
- quick to act/slow to think
- skilled and studied swordsman/arrogant because of it
- very high pain threshold/difficulty forming attachments.
- loyal/wallows
- dedicated/fanatical
- honor/disloyalty
- law/chaos
- pragmatism/impracticality
- field work/homework
- animals/people
- Alexi’s butt/surprises
Ark lacks many life skills common to people his age due to his focus on becoming SeeD, though he enjoys cooking.
//Combat Data & Limit Break
Vaniér uses swords, favoring quick, precise strikes and ripostes. He always fights two handed. An opponent may find his moves simple and predictable but become frustrated when Ark’s blade seems to always be in one place and then suddenly somewhere else. Ark expends no extra effort than necessary when fighting a normal battle unless excessive force is called for.
Vaniér’s rigorous formal training has its roots in every facet of his life. He has been mentally conditioned to fight with the utmost effectiveness, trained specifically to fight and kill human opponents without emotion. Fights with two distinct styles: Long Gui (defensive) and Behemoth Tail(offensive). Because of his
He has almost doubled in effectiveness as a fighter and soldier since junctioning Shiva.
Weapon: LK-22C
An anti-armor heat sword that superheats to ensure supreme cutting power when dealing with armor and hard metals (Battery operated, good for about one cut). This is called High-Materiel mode, or Hi-MAT mode. When stored, weapon magnetically locks onto a back harness that can release the blade with a tensing of the shoulder muscles.
The sword is 45″ from pommel to tip (10″ hilt and 35″ blade) and weighs only 8lbs, being made of superlight, non-conductive nano-ceramic steel composite. There is a hidden knife built into the hilt, but it lacks a Hi-MAT function.
Limit Break Mode: Shift
Ark’s limit break is transformative, unusual, and is determined by Dr. Kadowaki to be linked to his extremely rare blood type. The transformation is instantaneous unless he fights it for control.
Most commonly, Ark suddenly appears as a small Behemoth-like monster, around the size of a wolf. In this form he uses powerful claws and a fang filled maw as his primary weapons, as well as short horns to gore his targets. While he possesses some semblance of friend/foe identification, he is instinctively wary and quick to violence.
Born the brother of China Ional and named Zhu-Lei Ional to a Centran couple living in Belwa Village. Zhu-Lei means “child of moon and water.”
Ark transferred from Trabia Garden upon deciding to enroll in the SeeD program. During for the first 11 years of his life, he lived with a man called Masurao who trained him in sword and strategy. Ark cannot remember if he willingly left his mentor or if the man died. He has been at Balamb since the age of 12, studying to become a warrior to emulate his only parental figure: Masurao.
While at Balamb Garden, he was reunited with his sister, China Ional, from whom he was separated from at the age of one.
After visiting the dojo where he was raised in his formative years, Ark found his master’s remains. Masurao had died years ago and was forgotten by the community he lived in. Having only painful childhood memories of the man, Ark decided he did not want Maurao’s legacy to be his own, wanting to move on with his life and find his own reason for living.
Meeting the kindhearted and optimistic Alexi Kiman showed him there was more to life than becoming SeeD and dying on a battlefield.
- He smells a little of pine due to the oils he uses to clean and maintain his sword.
- Ark is essentially vegetarian, as he finds the taste of meat unpalatable.
- Respects and loves nature, animals and even monsters.
- Refuses to kill monsters unless absolutely necessary. No qualms about killing humans.
- “Ark Vanier” was actually the name of his master, an Esthari soldier who earned the nickname “Masurao” during the S War.
- His birth name, Zhu-Lei, means “Child of Moon and Water.”
- Is generally disinterested in meeting people unless a trusted friend vouches for them.
- Has unwavering loyalty to Garden and the chain of command.