//Personality & Character:
If you were to ask Ariex, what was it like growing up in Trabia, the most he could say was… Cold. The frozen peaks and the snow covered valleys were his playground. He relished in the cool breezes and the chilly atmosphere. But even for such a remote living, he was content with living there.
Yet he was far from an academic student, he was the kid bringing wild animals home, asking if he could keep them, or trying to show how tough he was in school time to time by picking little scraps with fellow students, landing him in the odd bit of trouble. Luckily, his father seemed to bail him out, most times anyway.
His mother was the Garden’s Yard Keeper, tending to the flowers she would plant, trying to make their isolated school seem, so much more vibrant and welcoming. Even as much as Ariex hated gardening, it was awe-inspiring to see the results of her hard labor, watching as a flower came to fruition over time.
But still, even as difficult as he was, his parents didn’t give up in inspiring their son to become more interested in coming to class and graduating.
Eventually, it worked. His grades began to make some progress through his classes, and soon enough they stopped getting called to the headmaster’s office and instead, began to hear of their son’s slowly increasing betterment. Far from the boy who he would come to be known by in Present time.
And then, came the day. Finding his own bag was packed by the door. His father and mother, frantically moving about the house. They were about to run from Galbadian Troops. Coming to take his father away. This left the child terrified, confused, and without a possible good reason why Galbadia would want to take a man like his father away.
Being an Academic Professor was not all his father did, he had been working on a top-secret project for Galbadia Garden. He wouldn’t say what. Only that he had made a contact in Esthar to get his mother and child out of Trabia with mere moment’s notice. With no choice, his mother share one last embrace with his father before they would both have to disappear. He would watch helplessly, standing atop the snowy hills as Galbadian forces soon arrived at their home moments later.
His father was never seen again.
Immediately upon their arrival, Ariex’ behavior plummeted in his studies, taking to the street, becoming something of a punk even worse than before., Most people whom he stirred up trouble with, would usually be found intimidated by his rough exterior, as he swore to get stronger in, and out in order to one day either hit his father, or rescue him. His mother become distant as she mentally collapsed after her husband was taken away, causing Ariex to start taking care of his mother in her half brain-dead state.
Soon, Ariex took to petty crime. Shoplifting, pick-pocketing, the works, anything to make a bit of money for his only remaining family. And he got good at it too. Only to land him in an even bigger heap of trouble when he tried to rob from the wrong shop-keeper. He was nearly beaten to half of his life by the handful of staff along with the owner, before an unknown man stepped in, bringing his assailants down one by one with nothing but his bare fists. Turned out, this very man was a SeeD agent, he never shared his name, nor did he ask if he was alright. But the firm, down-gazing stare was enough to awaken a sense of ambition in Ariex once more, he finally knew, what he needed to become…
He discovered that if he were to become a SeeD, he would have to attend classes within Balamb Garden, the only troubling part, was how exactly to get him out of Esthar of all places. Thanks to a close friend of his mother’s, he used what most of the money he had saved to pay for his underground transportation. He would load himself in to a shipping container that brought supplies in and out of Esthar. Even as secret as it was, it still required some outside resources.
The rest, only time will tell.
- Strenghs/Weaknesses
- Likes/Dislikes
//Combat Data & Limit Break
Return the Favor
Ariex will collectively charge the damage he’s received throughout the course of a fight, and can unleash it twice-fold back on his opponent through one impact only. Can be delivered by any way he sees fit. Either by fist, forehead, shins, or even through a melee-based weapon, e.g. his Tonfa Shotguns, a baseball bat, chair leg, you name it. But can be visually seen charging by an aura shifting like an outline around either himself or an object.
Return the Fury
Only activated if Ariex uses his first L.B. up to a third time in a single battle. He enters a mad-dog-like state, will lock on to one specific opponent, while his body instinctively attacks with unrestrained force. Meaning he’ll swing a punch hard enough to shatter his knuckles and will keep swinging so long as he can continue attacking his opponent while mentally he is weaker, not so verbally skilled and more susceptible on turning on allies if they try to restrain or interfere until his time limit is up.
Regular text
- Trivia